Fruits at office

Seasonal calendar of fruits

Properties of:
Apples - are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium fiind beeing a real deposit of nutrients. Antioxidant nutrients in apples help reduce cholesterol, heart disease and strengthens bones. Regular consumption of apples reduces the risk of breast and lung cancer. Apples keep hunger away for longer and have the power to satisfy "the hunger" for sweet that many feel it especially when they are very tired , after a very busy day at work, or are stressed.
Pears - have revitalizing effect, moisturizing and nutritive,they combat the effects of stress, eliminate fatigue and overwork and increase the production capacity of cells with immune role. They are rich in mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, zinc, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, aluminum, boron, nickel, selenium, fluoride), vitamins, pantothenic acid and flavonoids. Pears regulate digestion and impruve intestinal transit. They also have detoxifying effect.
Grapes - prevent cardiovascular disease, improve digestion, streamlines and normalizes the blood pressure levels, lower blood cholesterol levels and are perfectly tonic for the nervous system.Beneficial action is due to grape composition, because it contains many minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, copper, cobalt, zinc, enzymes, vitamins A and C and B group vitamins (B1, B2) and fiber.
Plums - relieves rheumatic pains, help treat anemia, renal and biliary disease combat, reduces inflammation. Plums contain vitamins (retinol, ascorbic acid, niacin and tocopherol) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus and magnesium). Are detoxifying and tonic for memory. Remove toxins, cleanse the liver, all the vital organs will receive the most energy. Banish fatigue and treats nervous. Help the heart to function properly. Are a natural remedy for fertility problems, are beneficial and are recommended for pregnant women with diabetes.
Oranges - prevent cancer, cure influenza infections and headaches, reduce cholesterol, boost immunity, protects the heart, prevent kidney stones. Oranges are the antidote to winter diseases. Being a great repository of minerals - especially calcium - the fruit strengthens the body, stimulate natural immunity, fighting infectious diseases. Liver, kidneys and intestines are the organs that orange stimulates vigorous and thorough cleaning debarasându body of toxins and waste it. This detoxifying property, due to potassium it contains, is of interest especially for people who constantly blame fatigue.
Bananas - known as offering a healthy digestion and create a sense of rejuvenation. Bananas help retain calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Having a high iron content, bananas are effective in treating anemia. They stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood, improve eyesight, protect the kidneys and may protect cardiovascular health.
we offer these special promotions:
Research conducted by the Employee Benefit Research Institute showed that 77% of employees believe the benefits offered by employers are the most important thing to take into account when evaluating their job.
Stress at work, routine and various forms of overload such as overload when working many hours in front of the computer, are factors leading to fatigue and low energy during office hours.
For this reason, lately, more and more employers in the local market caught in annual budgets, a new form of employee benefit:Fruits at office! Thus, the companies have managed to maintain the employee’s health , to increase employees' ability to focus and improve the image and reputation as a great employer.
Increasingly, more companies are interested in the needs of their employees when they established the benefits that they will provide. The Management will ask: "Of this will benefit a significant segment of my employees?", "It fits with our tradition?" or "It's a good deal for us – taking into consideration the repport between cost / results?". There is one answer to all these questions: YES!
In any respectable company, this kind of employees benefits such as providing fresh fruits at office, are seen as part of a strategy to maintain the attraction and the most talented employees.
Because :
- Improve relationships at work and increase efficiency
- It is an alternative and efficient employee’s motivation
- The safest method of employee’s motivation which involves spending a low budget compared to other methods
- A diet rich in fruits is the most appropriate for your employees
- Companie’s initiative to provide to it employees such benefit, had a very positive reaction from them employees. Now is your chance to apply for the most loved and wanted employer!
It is time for changes! Be closer to company’s employees and offer them fruits at office!
- During the season betwwen June and October, the fruits we deliver are completely natural, not treated with any chemical agent and are freshly harvested from orchards Romanian producers.
- During the season betwwen November to May, the import fruit we deliver are high quality and always fresh
- Our fruits are washed, individually sorted, arranged esthetic in wicker baskets made by romanian producers and are sealed with protective foil. A perfect presentation!
- We offer unique promotions to subscription contracts for a period of 6 months and / or 1 year
- Promptly deliver anytime, anywhere, we are cooperative and efficient!
- Simple: contact us and we will respond !
- The service “Fruit at office” is provided on a subscription paid monthly, which will not change regardless of fluctuations in market prices and inflation. We are taking this risk!
- Paid subscription includes the cost of fruit, the services such as washing the fruits, the arrangement in wicker baskets and deliver them, the corresponding special promotions
- All you need to set is the maximum basis weight of fruit / employee, the number of baskets you preffer and the time of the delivery. For the rest, we will take care!