Security services
Transport/accompanying of valuables

The watch services for the transport of important goods and valuables consist of the following activities, according to art. 20 (6) of Law 333/2003:
a) organizing and ensuring watch over terrestrial, water or aerial transport of goods of major importance, valuables or any other object nominated by the beneficiary so;
b) organizing and ensuring watch over the data and information transport, no matter their type of carriage or the chosen transmission method;
c) organizing and securing communication, in accordance with the law in force;
d) organizing and ensuring transportation for individuals requesting transport under maximum security;
e) inform the relevant authorities on incidents emerged during the transport.
Art. 25 (1) of the same regulation defines the important goods and valuables as „money, debentures, cheques or other valuable certificates, precious stones and metals, scientific, technical, cultural and artistic valuables”.
For clients who are performing transportation of important valuables, we provide specialized escort services in order to reduce theft and the possibility of losing the load during the transport. This accompanying method ensures protection for the transported goods along the route set by the client.
At any moment, the agents who are escorting the transport are able to communicate in real time with the company’s dispatcher and transmit any irregularity they notice, thus ensuring the safety of the transported valuables, as well as the safety of the accompanying persons.
The activity is developed upon a plan of valuables transportation, with specially equipped cars, approved by competent authorities, qualified personnel and, depending on the case, with an escorting car. The crews consist of a chauffeur and fighters with standard equipment, protection equipment and fire guns, being permanently in contact with the intervention teams. In case of major force, they can get in touch with the intervention teams.
The cars are permanently monitored through GPS systems. If the customer has his own means of transportation, we only ensure the escorting crew.
The transported valuables must be placed into hermetically sealed packages, accompanied by the documentation which proves their contents.