Support Services

despre companie-poza

In order for you to see that you are in the right place and you have found what you were looking for, we invite you to read more information about our services.

Choose the question and you will find the answer. 


Where do we provide our services ?

Sunt marcate cu rosu judetele in care prestam serviciile;
*In functie de serviciile dorite, ne putem deplasa si in afara judetelor marcate;

How can you contact us ?

Because we value your time, we offer you the fastest methods of contacting us, namely:

By phone at the following numbers:
Vodafone: +40 737 506 710
Orange   : +40 756 625 773

At our E-mail address:

Which are the prices ?

The prices are influenced by:

  • - The complexity of the service
  • - The peridiocity of the service
    - The emergency of the service
  • - How far the location is
  • - The number of the involved persons

It is important to remember that for subscription-type contracts, the prices are negotiable.
Before we establish a meeting to discuss everything in detail, please send us some general information regarding the service you wish to require.











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